Regional Supervisor
Board-Certified Music Therapist #13744
Laura Mui, MM, MT-BC, is a Board-Certified Music Therapist based in Chicago who received her M.M. in Music Therapy from Illinois State University and her B.A. with a focus in musicology from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Laura is a pianist and hornist, who also plays guitar and ukulele, and has a passion for improvisation.
Laura has experience working in the private practice setting teaching traditional and adapted lessons and providing music therapy services to a wide range of populations and diagnoses including: early childhood, Autism Spectrum Disorder, school settings, Dementia, and hospice care. Her clinical approach considers the unique background of each individual and uses music to increase quality of life and provide agency to her clients within a safe and accepting environment.
Outside of music therapy, Laura is passionate about investing in her community and the next generation, and also serves in her local church’s worship team and children’s ministry.